
10 tools for efficient reputation marketing

In today’s modern age, the speed in which your reputation can change almost as fast as the speed of light. For example, your reputation might be stellar one day and completely flop the next – meaning that striking a balance isn’t no walk in the park. In order your business to reach its peak, it’s […]

Seven tips to Master Microsoft Excel

One of the skills crucial to the success of businesses today is digital literacy. This isn’t the proficiency of reading and reciting gadget labels, but according to Cornell University, “the ability to find, evaluate, utilize, share, and create content using information technologies and the Internet.” One of the first steps involves mastering Microsoft Excel. Here […]

Build an Online Community for your Business

The word ‘Community’ is derived from the Latin term communitas meaning ‘things shared by many or all’, which hints at our innate desire to connect with others. With the Internet being such a powerful medium, connecting people regardless of their locations has never been easier. Imagine thousands and thousands of people that are genuinely interested […]

Enterprise level virtualization for clients

Virtualization has permanently changed the world of IT and computing and bringing with it the overhaul of IT architecture and workflow. One would think that it would reach its saturation point sooner or later but with constant innovation and development, virtualization has permeated and penetrated deep as to reach the client level.

Why Microsoft is putting down the phone

Microsoft smartphones have always seemed to pale in comparison to Android and Apple devices. Perhaps one of the largest reasons why is because it entered the smartphone game too late. And the recent “strategic retreat” from the consumer market only suggests that Microsoft is far from reaching their initial goals with their mobile platform.

How to market your SMB on Facebook for free

We all know you can buy ad space on Facebook. And while ads on the world’s largest social network are generally quite affordable, they still cost money – which as a small or medium sized business owner, may be in short supply. Thankfully, there are many ways to market your business for free on Facebook.

6 ways to use live video to reach customers

Not long ago, uploading a video to the internet was still a new and novel concept, but now we have access to multiple services for live video streaming. Most of these are free and offer great opportunities for increasing your visibility with little to no investment.

Chrome extensions: 6 productivity boosters

Do you ever find yourself cursing your web browser’s limited functionality? Well, if you’re using Google Chrome there’s a good chance someone has created an extension to make your wish come true. There are thousands of Chrome extensions just waiting to boost your productivity with the click of a button.

Mental shifts to make before cloud migration

Productivity, collaboration, freedom. These words are often touted when the benefits cloud technology are mentioned. But do all businesses that make the cloud switch achieve these? Unfortunately the answer is no. Some businesses flounder in the new technology, and some even become less productive because of it.

A guide to virtualization and licensing

Software licensing has been a thorn in everybody’s side for as long as we can remember. It’s no surprise that as software begins to help us to consolidate and combine pieces of hardware through virtualization, we’re confronted with this problem yet again.